Türkçe Türkçe

Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University

Journal of Administrative Sciences
(e-ISSN: 2147-9771)

Notes For The Contributers

Journal of Administrative Sciences Journal of Administrative Sciences (JAS) / Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi (YBD) is a refereed journal and published twice a year. JAS publishes scholarly articles in English and Turkish languages. The journal is an independent publication in terms of scientific research and the editors decide its publication policy. *** JAS focuses on scholarly articles on economics, politics, history, international relations, business, accounting and public administration in general from all over the world. The journal encourages interdisciplinary studies. Manuscripts submitted to JAS should be original and challenging, and should not be under consideration by another publication at the time of submission. Previously published articles in other languages may be considered by the journal for the first publication English (Turkish) translation. In that case the author should so state at the time of submission, provide relevant written copyright approval by the publication to the JAS. We also welcome book reviews on recent relevant publications. Articles submitted for consideration of publication are subject to peer review. The editorial board and editors takes consideration whether submitted manuscript follows the rules of scientific writing. The appropriate articles are then sent to three international referees known for their academic reputation in their respective areas. For the articles to be published, at least two 'accepted' reports from the referees are required. The Editors and referees use three-step guidelines in assessing submissions: i) Literary quality: Writing style, usage of the language, organisation (paragraphing, syntax, flow etc.) ii) Use of references. Referencing, sources, relationships of the footnotes to the text. iii) Scholarship quality: Depth of research, quality; contribution, originality of the contribution (new and creative thought) and plausibility of the author's argument. Upon the referees' decision, the articles will be published in the journal, or rejected for publication. The review process lasts from five to 15 weeks. Questions regarding the status of submissions should be directed to the co-editors by e-mail at ybd@comu.edu.tr. The referee reports are kept confidential and stored in the archives for five years. The author could be asked for technical corrections by editors after the final draft of the article. The corrections shoul be made in 30 days by the author. All manuscripts and editorial correspondence and inquiries should be addressed to the JAS Editorial Office.

Manuscripts should be submitted by using dergipark system (http://dergipark.gov.tr/comuybd) . Please be sure that you received a confirmation from the Office. Manuscripts should be one-and-half spaced throughout (including all quotations and footnotes) on single sides of A4 paper. Generous margins on both sides of the page should be allowed. Pages should be numbered consecutively. The author should retain a copy, as submitted manuscripts cannot be returned. An additional file about the author's full name, address for correspondence, and where possible a contact telephone number, fax number and e-mail address should be uploaded to the system as well. The manuscript should not include author's name or any detailed that might be related to the author.

JAS uses Harvard referencing System which consists of the following elements: Citations in the body of the paper should have (surname of the author, year:page number).
Articles as a rule should not exceed 8.000 words and should not be less than 4.000 words, not including footnotes and references. Book reviews should be about 2.500 word-lengths. Maximum 3.500 words for book reviews of two or more books.

Style and Proofs

Authors are responsible for ensuring that their manuscripts conform to the JAS style. Editors will not undertake retyping of manuscripts before publication. Please note that authors are expected to correct and return proofs of accepted articles within two weeks of receipt. The manuscript should be written by using Times New Roman 12 punt. Titles and Sub-Titles Titles in the article should be 12 punt, bold and in uppercase form. The sub-titles should be 12 punt and in the title case form. Single line width is preferred and A4 format is suitable.

In the references part of the manuscript citation of the books and articles should be as follows;


Surname, Name (Year). Name of the Book, Publication House, (if available ISBN number, country of publication)


Surname, Name (Year). Name of the Article, Name of the Journal, Issue Number, Volume Number, pages

Contact Information
For more information about the journal feel free to contact with the editors. JAS / YBD, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Biga Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Ağaköy, Biga, Çanakkale, TURKEY Phone: (+90) (286) 3358738-1182 Fax: (+90) (286) 3358736 Web: http://ybd.dergi.comu.edu.tr / E-mail: ybd@comu.edu.tr